Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This is College Life

I've wanted to do this since my junior year of high school, when I took a tour of UF and saw trees that looked perfect for being a college student in. This is college: perching out over the landscape of life; absorbed in who you are more than the book that already is; climbing trees for pleasure and profit; developing a respectable elitism over those not in your branch; escaping the ground. I think if we could read in relief--seeing everything but the text--everyone would get A's.

If I climbed one of these trees, I don't think I'd be as assiduously un-self-conscious about it as this guy was. I passed by him slowly, decided to take a picture, got out my camera, set up my shot, and left, and in the whole time positioning himself, he didn't look up once.

Other parts of college life are less poetic. I'm taking Differential Equations (Diff EQ--pronounced "diff ee cue") this semester and thought I could get by without doing any of the homework problems. I can't. We had our first test last week, and since I knew our final would supercede our lowest test grade, I wasn't too worried. Let's just say it's a bad sign when you get your test back and hope it's graded out of 50 points...

What once was lost has now been found, and what was found was not lost. My hat, which I lamented the loss of a few posts ago, ended up being right under a sofa in the Hub the next morning. I've worn it doubly fervently ever since. Yesterday I ran into Ferdaouis, who mentioned my "trademark" hat. My hat the lady-slayer is back.

I found something else recently, and thankfully it hadn't been lost. I was in a hurry to go to an RUF meeting, got there a few minutes late, rushed in and had a good time. When I came out a few hours later, though, I couldn't find my keys. I checked under my chair--no luck. But it wasn't a problem. They were right where I left them: in the ignition of my car. Which was still running. Save gas. Don't be in a rush.

And on that note, I retire to my bed, which hasn't seen me in far too long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you found your's a good one.
I thought I lost a hat I got in London...a few days later I found it oddly shoved behind my desk. What a relief.