Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Crest Commercial

At the beginning of October I heard about this video contest. This business guy named James Altucher wants to see if normal people can make commercials that are as good as ones made by professionals who make a ton of money. So he picked a random brand--Crest--and said, Go make a commercial, and the best one wins $2000. That's a big enough incentive for me to try it. Being an English major, inspiration hit me that night and I jotted down the elements to a script. I'm no good with a camera, but my friend Ben Rush is, and joined forces. I had the vision, he had the skills. I think the skills are more evident than the vision, but Altucher is a nationally ranked chess master and hopefully won't be confused by our abstract message.

I now present, after weeks of hard work, "My Share of the Prize."

I'm really happy with the way it turned out, but Ben and I have been involved in it for so long that we can't tell if it's any good at this point, so if you don't hate it, let us know by commenting on YouTube. The winner will be announced November 3rd, so if I seem on pins and needles until then, I'm just waiting to see if my fate is in writing commercials.


Unknown said...

you made me laugh!

Anonymous said...

Funny! Good acting and camera work. I like your cameo at the end.

Unknown said...

I was recently at a meeting and happened to mention your video. some of the people there are also my facebook friends and they said they had watched it. Laughingly, they said they liked it.
So, is no news about winning bad news?

Will Penman said...

no news is bad news about the legitimacy of the contest. i'm giving it another day or so before i email the freakonomics guys i heard about the contest from to see what the deal is.